



Response to The New York Times article, dated December 17, 2012

Bienvenidos al Sitio Web Director General: Erasmo Martínez Cano… Comentarios y sugerencias: Editor: Erasmo Martínez / Javier Tlatoa ( ) ( ) Informanet Videos

Mexico City, December 17, 2012.
The process to open the Bodega Aurrera San Juan Teotihuacan which took place from 2003-2004, mentioned in The New York Times, is part of a Walmart Stores Inc. investigation conducted by independent lawyers and specialists since the end of 2011.
Walmart de México y Centroamérica has had priorities to cooperate in the investigation and safeguard the independence of the investigation. With that purpose in mind, while the investigation runs its course, the Company shall refrain from making any comments on specific allegations or claims.
Walmart de México y Centroamérica reiterates its willingness to fully cooperate with the competent authorities in whatever investigation regarding the permits or licenses issued to the Company.
Regardless of the results of the investigation, Walmart de México y Centroamérica
has undertaken the following measures to become a leading company in worldwide compliance.
Reinforcement of the internal organization
1. Three new top management positions:
i. Vice President of Compliance, Real Estate and Corporate Affairs
ii. Vice President of Growth Support
iii. Anticorruption Director
2. An increase in the amount and expertise of full-time professionals dedicated to supporting the license and permit process

Strengthening of processes
1. The services of renowned experts have been retained to strengthen the company’s anti-corruption compliance program, provide consulting and on-site compliance support and review and strengthen compliance processes, including donations and business relationships with third parties.
2. New steps were added to document the real estate processes.

All Home Office associates and field executives receive training on anticorruption practices
Acting with integrity is the essence of the culture of Walmart de México y Centroamérica. The company’s expectation is that each and every one of our associates will adhere not only to the letter of the law, but also to the highest standards of personal integrity.

Walmart de México y Centroamérica
Contribuimos a mejorar la calidad de vida de las familias en México y Centroamérica
Walmart de México y Centroamérica es una empresa dedicada al sector comercio que tiene como visión contribuir a mejorar la calidad de vida de las familias en México y Centroamérica. Atiende diariamente a 5 millones de clientes en los seis países donde opera: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, México y Nicaragua. Cuenta con una amplia variedad de formatos, que incluye tiendas de descuento (Bodega Aurrera Express, Despensa Familiar y Palí), supermercados (Superama, Supertienda Paiz, La Despensa de Don Juan, La Unión y Masxmenos), bodegas (Bodega Aurrera, Mi Bodega Aurrera y Maxi Bodega), hipermercados (Walmart), clubes de precios con membresías (Sam´s Club y ClubCo), tiendas de ropa (Suburbia) y restaurantes (Vips, El Portón y Ragazzi), que al 10 de diciembre suman 2,927 unidades. En 2011, Walmart de México y Centroamérica reportó ventas superiores a 379,021 mdp. Búscanos en Facebook (Walmart de México y Centroamérica) y Twitter (@WalmartMXyCAM).


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