



Whiteboard: Minimum wage

Bienvenidos al Sitio Web Director General: Erasmo Martínez Cano… Comentarios y sugerencias: Editor: Erasmo Martínez / Javier Tlatoa ( ) ( ) Informanet Videos

The federal minimum wage is just $7.25 an hour. And raising that wage isn't just good for the millions of workers trying to raise a family on it. It helps every single one of us.
That's because when millions of Americans are earning more, they have more money to spend -- that's good for the economy as a whole. Want to learn more? We've broken it all out in our newest two-minute whiteboard explainer.
This is an important issue. Take two minutes to watch the video, then add your name if you agree it's time to raise the wage so that all families can have a fair shot.
Watch the video, then add your name.


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