

5to. Encuentro Nacional de Socios en la Filantropía

El Instituto Jalisciense de Asistencia Social y la Fundación Majocca, A.C. organizan el 5to. Encuentro Nacional de Socios en la Filantropía, que se llevará a cabo en Guadalajara, Jalisco.Se trata del encuentro nacional de socios en la filantropía más reconocido  y único en su género, que brinda la oportunidad de generar alianzas y sinergias para  fortalecer a las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil.Del 19 al 20 de febrero de 2015, “Tras el fondo” será un evento nacional en donde sociedad civil, empresas nacionales e internacionales y...

This may seem like a bad joke or a hoax, but this incredible story is historically accurate and truthful! A famous wrestler named Maurice Tillet, was the prototype of Shrek. Born in 1903 in Russia. As a child, Maurice is no different from their peers; but that all changed at the age of 17, when he began to worsen rare disease that had acromegaly. The disease caused a monstrous increase disproportionately in the bones, especially in the face. In connection with these terrible external transformations Maurice had to leave the race as a lawyer. But he did not end his life, and decided to use his handicap as a huge plus! Maurice went to the US to become a professional wrestler, and in May 1940 he became the champion of the American Association of Wrestling, holding the title for the next 19 months. He was known by the nickname “dreadful ogre ring”. Also worth noting that Maurice Tille had different phenomenal intellectual capacities. He was fluent in 14 languages, wrote wonderful stories and poems. Unfortunately, her disease progressed, and in the 51 years Maurice died of a heart attack. But his whole life was a wonderful example of human courage and bravery.

Baxter es reconocido con este distintivito basado en el Modelo Nacional para la Competitividad.·         Se reafirma el compromiso de Baxter de contar con una gestión de negocios integral.México D.F. a 15 de enero de 2015 – Baxter México es galardonada con el Premio Nacional de Calidad del Sector Salud 2014 (PNC), mismo que fue entregado de mano del Lic. Enrique Peña Nieto, Presidente Constitucional...

Birdman, la más nominada para los Independent Spirit Awards

Author: Rodrigo O. La película Birdman, del mexicano Alejandro González Iñárritu, encabezó el martes la lista de candidatos a los premios Independent Spirit con seis candidaturas que incluyen mejor director y mejor actor, para Michael Keaton.También consiguieron nominaciones el mexicano Emmanuel Lubezki, director de cinematografía del filme, y los actores de reparto Emma Stone y Edward Norton.El drama Boyhood, sobre...